Friday, February 5, 2016

Return of the Jedi: Third Star Wars film

Return of the Jedi is the 3rd (or 6th) installment in the Star Wars franchise. Many people consider it the worst of the original trilogy.

Those people are correct. ROTJ isn't bad, but The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars (it is NOT titled "A New Hope") are much better films.

If you haven't seen Return of the Jedi,
A) Rethink your life.
B) Don't read this post yet.
C) Run out and get the Star Wars "Complete Saga" on Blu-Ray
D) Order Hammy's "De-specialized edition" of all three original films.

Now, hoping that you haven't ventured down here without seeing the film (either special edition, or not crappized), I'll move forward with talking about the film. Let's start with the bad moments of the film, just to get those out of the way.

Daddy Skywalker got a face lift.
You can go "nub-nub" in hell.

Problem A: In the special edition of the film, creepy (and bad acting) Anakin Skywalker replaces older Sebastian Shaw as a force ghost.

Problem B: Ewoks. These furry little things take over half of the last act of the film, and are nothing more than a Muppet promotion. How these stupid care bears beat the Imperials is beyond me.

Because this film needed a CGI musical number, right, George?
Problem C: JABBA'S PALACE. No matter what edition you watch, you will SIT THROUGH A MUSICAL NUMBER!!!! The original 1983 song gets replaced in the 1997 edition with a new song, but they both suck! Well, maybe "suck" is too strong, but it has no place in a Star Wars film.

Problem D does not lie within the film, but with the film itself. This movie was originally called Revenge of the Jedi, and had awesome posters made up and sent out. George Lucas decided (at the last minute, might I add) that Jedi wouldn't "seek revenge" and had the posters drawn.

You'll also notice the printing error that has Darth Vader's lightsaber being blue, and Luke's being red. Pretty cool, eh?

Now, onto the good stuff.

The majority of the film is quite enjoyable. Luke's banter with Jabba, Luke outsmarting a Rancor, Boba Fett, etc. Of course, leading man Han Solo makes the film a lot better, because c'mon.

Harrison Ford.

Not to undervalue Mark Hamill, but Ford is great in this. As he always is. I will undervalue Carrie Fisher, for the fact she doesn't get to do much. She did a lot more in Star Wars. Rather than go through every great moment in the film in text, I've included a picture gallery of awesome stuff.

Boba Fett's Cameo of the Year

"Bring Your Son To Work Day"

Mark Hamill's fastest chase since Corvette Summer.
Scout Troopers have the best uniforms of the Imperials, y'know.
Luke vs Vader! Just like TESB, but with cooler colours!


Lando (yeah, I know) in the Falcon, as the Death Star II explodes.


  1. Wow James that's all I could say, but enjoyable.

  2. Wow James that's all I could say, but enjoyable.
